FlexPowerHub is a brand of cognify GmbH with the purpose to provide a digital hub for individual market positioning and successful marketing of flexibilities.
Company name: cognify
Legal form: limited liability company (GmbH)
Business purpose:
IT services and software solutions in the context of Big Data and Machine Learning.
Managing Director:
Dr. Norbert Walchhofer, MSc
Mag. Martin Simmerstatter
UID number: ATU 76432656
Company register number: FN547685w
Commercial register court: Salzburg regional court
Registered office / Address:
Hubert-Sattler-Gasse 1/42
5020 Salzburg
Contact details:
Phone: +43 670 600 40 40
This website serves to present a service of the company cognify GmbH. It also contains links to websites of third parties, the content of which cannot be controlled by cognify GmbH. In its decision of December 19, 2000 (4 Ob 274/00y – Liability for Links on Websites), the Austrian Supreme Court ruled that a link setter must accept the content of a third-party website as his own content and may be liable for it if he adopts its content as his own.
We expressly point out that cognify GmbH has no responsibility for links from third parties. Access to the content of third-party websites is therefore at the user’s own risk and responsibility.
Each user expressly acknowledges that content is also published on the website for which cognify GmbH is not responsible. In the event that users notice that a link refers to legally problematic content, you are requested to inform of this link by e-mail so that it can be removed as soon as possible, if necessary.